Backyard Farming

Curious about:
✔ the lifestyle?
✔ the business?
✔ the income potential?

Trying to figure out:
✔ amount of space you need?
✔ amount of time you need to commit?
✔ what to grow?
✔ how to sell?

Can you actually do it?
That’s not a question you can Google an answer to. But there is a way to find out. Hang out with us. We’re pro’s who are doing it every day. We’re making up the rules, inventing new practices, setting new benchmarks, discovering the best business models, compiling resources (often unconventional), as we go along. The more of us there are, the more we progress and the more new opportunities we find.

We’ll tell it to you straight, based on our real-world experience of going out there, and doing it, every day. We’ll figure out with you how to scope your farm startup based on your resources and wherever you are starting from; help you set realistic income expectations and get up and running; and evaluate and guide your progress.

Lifestyle businesses. Side hustles. Encore careers.
Our farms come in all shapes and sizes, spread out across the US and Canada. No matter where you are coming from, or where you want to be, you’ll fit right in.

Learn the business of growing food. 
Online, on your own time, at your own pace, from those of us you would have no way to connect with otherwise. We think different, grow different, and are bootstrapping farm businesses right in our own backyards – or the yards of others.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve developed a full curriculum and online program that gets better every year, the more successful we’ve become. Check it out here.

Here’s our guarantee: You’ll be involved in meaningful work, with accomplished, ambitious and sincere people, and will learn only what experience can teach.

✔ Start where you are  ✔ Use what you have  ✔ Do what you can

Get started here.