Scale Up

Order these advanced level how-to guides to achieve higher productivity and income from backyard-scale farms.

To preview any of the learning guides, click on Preview to view a Table of Contents.

Each guide is delivered as a pdf for immediate download.

  • #16 SPIN 4 Season Marketing (illustrated with 14 photos)

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    #16 SPIN 4 Season Marketing (illustrated with 14 photos)

    Earn winter income with shoot production, storage crops and crafts. This model is a  Full-time, Single-site operation (40,000 square feet, $79,400 in gross annual sales). Includes 14 photos.

  • #17 SPIN 2.0 Production Planning

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    #17 SPIN 2.0 Production Planning

    Scale up from using standard-size beds to 1,000 sq. ft. segments to maximize production and income. Includes segments per various size land bases…Walkway options for various crops…Farm design…Segment-based revenue targets…Revenue targets for low value, high value, very high value and extremely high value crops…Factors that determine the most lucrative crops…Yield benchmarks…SPIN price tier suggestions

  • #18 SPIN 2.0 Crop Profiles

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    #18 SPIN 2.0 Crop Profiles

    You wanted data, and here it is! Use these 40 individual crop profiles to set production and revenue benchmarks and translate the conventional planting recommendations used by seed catalogs to SPIN-Farming’s standard size beds and segments.

    Each crop profile includes:  Days to harvest…Bed/walkway configurations…In-bed spacing…Number of plants per row…Number of plants per bed…Number of plants per segment…Number of rows per segment…Yield per row…Yield per bed…Yield per segment…Average seed count per lb…Seed required per row…Seed required per bed…Seed required per segment…Typical cost per lb…Cost to seed a bed…Cost to seed a segment…Crop value status…Targeted revenue per bed…Targeted revenue per segment…Targeted price per unit…Typical price per unit…Price tier suggestions…Sales strategies.


Your purchase comes with a free  trial membership in the SPIN farmers online learning hub, Backyard Riches. There you get access online learning sessions and a private online support group where you can connect with those who are pioneering and tweaking SPIN-Farming around the world.  Brainstorm with those who have “been there”, or who are willing to help figure it out if they haven’t. Most do not come from farm families and don’t want to take on the traditional burdens of owning hundreds of acres of land, investing piles of money and making a big lifestyle change. They just want to make money growing food to meet the needs of their local communities. Sound like you? Then join in! Look for the invitation in your email after you purchase.