Make More Money From Your Microgreens

Getting to $1k a week

If you asked us to design the ideal crop for backyard farmers, microgreens would fit the bill. They are among the most quickly harvestable crop in the world (10-14 days.), they don’t take up much space, and demand is high. It’s a great cash crop for those with limited time and space. Find out how you can achieve sales of up to $1,000 per week with your microgreens by…

> growing non-traditional micro crops
> growing micros outdoors in soil
> integrating outdoor and indoor production
> targeting $20+ per tray
> targeting $100’s per standard bed
> spicing up your regular salad mixes

“Having a crop with such a short harvest time means you can ramp up your production in response to market demand very quickly. That’s a great position to be in as a farmer.”—Wally Satzewich

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Video Available until:

February 9, 2025