Look Who’s Doing It!

Here’s just some of the successful backyard growers who are using the SPIN-Farming guides to start and build their businesses…


Lisa and Steve Patton
Hope Rising Farm
Garden City MO
Stefan Butler
Nutrient Dense Farm
Squamish BC
Caroline Barrington
Clean Spade Farms
Swift Current SK
Jim Coleman
Coleman Crest Farm
Lexington KY


Mike Meier
Ground Floor Farm
Stuart, FL
Max Valyear
Green Wheel Farms
Belleville ON
Brenda Sullivan
Thompson Street Farm
Glastonbury CT
Rod Olson
Leaf & Lyre Urban Farms
Calgary AB
John Greenwood
JNJ Farms
Macomb IL
Keri Fox
Green Sister Gardens
Moose Jaw SK
Annabel Khouri and Eric Stouffer
Bay Branch Farm
Cleveland OH
Ryan Mason
Reclaim Organics Inc
Pigeon Lake AB
Rob Miller
Trefoil Gardens
Woodstock GA
Ray Derksen
Market Garden 434
Sylvania SK
Mark Voss
Voss Organics
Madison WI
Marcus Riedner
Happiness By The Acre
Carstairs AB
Tara Callaghan
Little Victory Microfarms
Hunter River PEI
Rex Landings and family
Cackleberry Farms
Meridian ID
Chris Kimber
3 Crows Farm
Cranbrook BC
Brian Kowalski
Murray Meadows Farm
Portugal Cover,NL
Bruce Manns
York Fresh Food Farms
York PA
Brianna van de Wijngaard
Puddle Produce
Soda Creek BC
Adithya Ramachandran and Jenny Menat
Kaleidoscope Vegetable Gardens
Dundurn SK
Lourdes Casañares
Masagana Flower Farm
La Broquerie MB


Kye Kocher
Grand Trunk Veggies
Calgary AB


Cherie Jzar
Deep Roots CPS Farm
Charlotte NC



Dylan House
Creative Seeds Farm
Glade Spring VA



Kyle Mecham
Fertile River Farm
Clinton IA

Cale Sprister
Sandy’s Way Microfarm
Sedalia, CO

Widely different geographies. Widely different circumstances. Widely different types of farms. The only thing they have in common is they all  used the SPIN guides to do this.