Courtesy of Wally S., Wally’s Urban Market Garden, Saskatoon SK
At this time of year, my green thumb gets double duty – I’m not only still growing inside, I’m also responding to lots of messages that start out like this: Help! Only 80 days to my first market. What do I do about….
So I’ll be doing some posts that provide a sampling of recent questions, because some of them may be on your mind, too. Maybe like, what’s first?
With 80 days to market, what is the one thing I need to get done this week? So much to do so little time. If I could have something ready early (right!) I can market it online, or possibly at the unofficial market in my local mall parking one day a week. But what is first?
You need to get some soil worked up, as soon as you can, and plant onion sets and garlic. If you haven’t ordered seed, then get your order secured as soon as possible.
Scallions, or green onions, are a good early SPIN crop because they command premium pricing, which justifies the high cost of sets. Urban growers with the micro climate advantage can often be first at market with them.