Microgreens are a classic marketing success story that traces back to 2001 when chef Thomas Keller started serving them at French Laundry. Soon thereafter SPIN-scale farmers started growing them as symbols of their artisanal bona fides. Over the past decade they’ve gone high tech, spurring billion dollar investment in computerized vertical farms that promise to revolutionize food production.
High in nutrition, with established markets, they’re still a great crop for SPIN farmers. Robots may soon be pumping out high-end greens for the masses, but the high-touch, shoe string budget option still works for SPIN farmers. And though microgreens have long been touted as a gateway indoor crop, there is an even bigger opportunity in outdoor production.
See how to make sales of up to $1,000/week by integrating low tech outdoor and indoor production here.
“Growing microgreens outside, in soil, is a big opportunity.” –Wally Satzewich